Pawrus® Group
Who We Are

Pet Care Simplified™ 💚🧡❤️

Meet Walbo, Our Pawrus® Mascot <3

Walbo embodies the Walrus’s unwavering confidence, genuine compassion and limitless creativity in its environment.

He proudly wears our trademark three circles with a beaming smile, synonymous with positivity, commitment and wholesomeness.

In our hearts and minds, we feel and think that he is the perfect symbol to represent a future with positive pet care being the norm rather than the exception.

Our name aptly hails one half from “Paw” and the other from “Walrus”, marrying together to celebrate the birth of the unique two-syllable word, “Paw-rus”.

Welcome to Pawrus® – Pet Care Simplified™!

Driving The Positive Pet Care R+Evolution™ 🌏

Pawrus® Group


To overcome difficulties and excel by conquering new frontiers.

Pawrus® Group


To understand and share the feelings of animals and humans.

Pawrus® Group


To imagine and create something original and impactful.

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Pawrus® Group

Client Testimonials 😍

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Pawrus® Group
Pawrus® Group

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